Thursday, January 13, 2011

Winter time

We have had a good, cold winter! Quinn and Jude are here in New Orleans (1442 Toledano, apt 3). Jude is being trained on the toilet - its weird, but we don't really have enough room for a normal litterbox. They've brought a lot of home to the apartment - furniture that helps us entertain guests, art, books, love. And a kitchen full of food and good smells! Now, after Christmas, we have lots of art on the walls - thanks Jessie!

It's very cold in the apartment. It doesn't have insulated floor, and its on the ground floor, so its hard to keep warm. Today we enjoyed the morning at Borders, sipping coffee and reading. A good day off!

Oh yeah, I work at Le Pavillon hotel now, as a waiter in the restaurant. It has big breakfast and lunch shifts. The customers are very nice, either local businessmen (its on Poydras, in the CBD, right off the streetcar line), or guests at the hotel, so you see a lot of the same faces every day. Everyone is extremely nice, and the management is exceptionally competent. There is a real, earnest sense of hospitality. Early mornings, but also early afternoons, I guess.

We're working on 'wedding' plans. Still thinking Los Angeles, and late July. But we're still just happy to be together, so we'll let you know dates when we have some (be patient!)

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